Be Too Jesus-y

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Don’t sell your calling short.
I remember being younger and thinking there were people that were ‘too Jesus-y’. There were the ‘normal’ Christians, and then there were the weird Christians. The church on Sunday and life during the week Christians, and then the Jesus every waking minute weird Christians.
And then somewhere along the way I realized that I don’t want to stand before the judgement seat of Christ and have to account to God how I was anything less than a ‘Jesus every waking minute’ Christian.
None of those ‘weird’ Christians start out thinking ‘I wanna be one of those weird Christians that makes other people downright uncomfortable with how interwoven Jesus is in my life’. Because it’s not about anybody else. It’s not about an image. Everything in our modern age is about our image and how other people perceive us. This world centers around acceptance, and comparison, and living up to an invisible, unattainable, fallible human standard. Nothing about the Christian walk requires your image (really, your pride) to look nice and understandable, we are, in fact told to die to ourselves and give up the desire to have a nice image.
Don’t settle for being a halfway Christian. Please. Don’t settle out of the fear of man. Don’t settle out of pride in upholding a standard of normalcy that humanity can’t even define let alone defend.
Be the weird Christian. Let Jesus permeate every aspect of your being, living, and doing. I promise the rewards you will reap are so much more valuable than coming away from a lifetime of upholding a vapid image of conformity to normalcy that fades the moment people leave your funeral. What will last when this life is gone is not your reputation for being ‘good and nice’ or ‘having a cute house and a good sense of style’, what will last are the words you hear in eternity from your Father’s throne.
What will last is you and Jesus. That relationship. Period.


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