The Invisibility of Invisible Illness

I limit my words and posts when it comes to the subject of chronic illness- a subject I deal with every second of every day. I’d venture to say a lot of people in this boat do the same. “What if it just sounds like I’m whining, or just “accepting” this as how my life […]
How to Read the Bible Daily (when you have sensory overload)

How to Read the Bible Daily (when you have sensory overload) When it comes to how to read the Bible daily, you might not have a Bible problem. You might have an organization problem. I have struggled to focus in my personal daily devotions for as long as I can remember. Sure, it might be […]
Unalterable Love and Grace

God is eternally unchanging. Isn’t that beautiful? I was pondering that this morning. I think I tend to think of it in terms of “God never changes.” But it’s more than that too. It’s also “Nothing can change God.” God being unchanging means His wonderful attributes are never conditional. You cannot hinder His overwhelming love […]
Head Above the Waves

Do you ever finally get your head above the waves, and then wonder ‘okay, now what?’ It’s weird. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that feeling of go-go-go, constantly fighting, perpetually healing, and usually struggling. I know most of my life was spent that way in multiple arenas. But at some point […]
15-Minute Masterpieces

I am learning to be okay and cool and chill with the fact that a 15 minute sketch differs in quality from a 15 hour drawing, and always will. I find it so interesting the sky-high expectations we have of ourselves (or at least I hope it’s not just me). I got my license two […]
Be Too Jesus-y

Don’t sell your calling short. I remember being younger and thinking there were people that were ‘too Jesus-y’. There were the ‘normal’ Christians, and then there were the weird Christians. The church on Sunday and life during the week Christians, and then the Jesus every waking minute weird Christians. And then somewhere along the way […]
What Happened in 2022

Things that happened in a year: – I learned that I don’t suck at caring for plants, (although I am still trying to revive a few from the damage I did to them in the past), they just require love, knowledge, and a sprinkle of effort (like 99% of life). – I can legally wreak […]